Eugene J. Kamprath Fellowship: Department of Crop and Soil Sciences, North Carolina State University ($3000/year)
[January 2021 – Present]
National Science and Technology Fellowship: 2019-2020 (MS): Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Bangladesh ($750)
[March 2019]
DEAN'S AWARD: 2017-2018: Faculty of Biological Sciences, University of Dhaka, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[October 2018]
Amar Ekushey Hall Trust Fund Scholarship (2015-16 and 2016-17): Amar Ekushey Hall, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
[2017 & 2018]
SWED-DU Trust Scholarship 2018: Department of Soil, Water and Environments, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh
1st Prize, 5 Min Rapid Oral & Poster Competition: 2023 ASA CSSA SSSA International Annual Meeting at St. Louis, Missouri, USA
[2023] ($200)
2nd Prize, Student Research Poster Competition: Soil Science Society of North Carolina Annual Meeting, Raleigh, NC
[2023] ($400)
People Choice Award, Student Research Poster Competition: 2023 Mason Pharr Symposium, Raleigh, NC
[2023] ($200)
COMPOST2023 Conference Travel Grand 2023: US Composting Council, Ontario, CA, USA
[2023] ($700)
1st Prize, Student Research Poster Competition: 2022 ASA CSSA SSSA International Annual Meeting at Baltimore, Maryland, USA
[2022] ($250)
Compost Research & Education Foundation Fellowship: US Composting Council & Compost Research & Education Foundation, Raleigh, NC 27604 [Link]
[2021] ($4000)
IECA Conference & Expo Travel Grand 2023: International Erosion Control Association (IECA), Southeast Chapter
[2023] ($500)
Municipal Wet Weather Stormwater Conference Travel Grand (MS4) 2023: International Erosion Control Association (IECA), Southeast Chapter
[2023] ($500)
IECA Conference & Expo Travel Grand 2022: International Erosion Control Association (IECA), Southeast Chapter
[2022] ($700)
Municipal Wet Weather Stormwater Conference Travel Grand (MS4) 2022: International Erosion Control Association (IECA), Southeast Chapter
[2022] ($500)
Dutch-Bangla Bank Scholarship: Dutch-Bangla Bank Foundation, Dhaka, Bangladesh
[2013-2017] ($300/year)